To realise your ideas is our concern

APC brings sustainable agricultural technologies into practice


APC contributes to the practical implementation of sustainable agriculture principles

  • Local production
    Since 2013 APC runs a self-harvesting farm where 40 families come to gather their fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. A perfect example of the local anchorage between seasonal food, the farmer and the consumer. More information

    Accompanied by APC, Ipso Facto Events started to grow its own vegetables and herbs in the heart of Brussels. Disadvantaged locals are involved in the production and the crops are processed locally in the gourmet catering offer of GL Events. The social, environmental and economic components strengthen the whole.
  • Cradle to cradle
    Residual material is nog a waste but a raw material. For instance, APC grows oyster mushrooms on coffee grounds.
  • Succession Agriculture - Food supply in balance with natural processes
    APC launches small projects founded on natural succession, describing this method as "natural succession agriculture" in which specialised knowledge is combined with traditional farmers' knowledge. This generalist approach is interspersed with specialised knowledge. The aim is to restore food supply to its natural place in the ecosystem.

APC assists groups in practice-oriented research

APC launches and conducts its own research. APC conducted a study on the farms of growers of Brussels endives having to contend with warmer autumns, meaning the soil temperature is too high to profitably grow Brussels endives in soil in early autumn. APC has conducted research onsite, introducing practical solutions which are founded on common sense.

Launch research projects with third parties. Together with the partners of Greenbow, APC established the non-profit organization Symbios. Symbios conducted an applied project, with funding from the IWT focussing on composting in farm environments. This came at the request of vegetable growers, wishing to recycle their organic waste (plant materials) and use it again as a raw material, i.e., farm compost. Another application of the cradle to cradle principle.



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